Sunday, March 29, 2009

Creation - Audience

Thanks for tuning in. I wanted to say something about why I care about art.

Art is the mold of the world. It sells ideas. It starts new realities. It stops wars. It initiates peace. It does anything you can think of. And it's the responsibility of the individual artist to know the ideas and new realities they're putting forth. The wrong destructive message can lay anything to waste. And I just know I wouldn't want anything like that on my conscience, and I don't think you would either.

It is an interesting thing to note that people are very effected by art. You can take a happy, cheerful person  into an angry frame of mind by a bombardment of negative images, music, etc. And you can pull someone up from sadness in an instant with the right positive music, painting, etc. Ever been upset, even for a long time, and suddenly notice something like a beautiful sunrise and become filled with hope and at least potential happiness? That's one example of the power of beauty and art. A negative example of art, or at least images, would be the movie "A Clockwork Orange." In that movie the main character, though quite demented already, is subjected to a constant barrage of violent movies, made to watch with his eyelids held open, and is eventually made to be sick. Essentially it ruins him even further.

So I suggest you evaluate the message you're sending. Is it going to help or hurt?